
Safeguard Information System (SIS)

Safeguard Information System (SIS)

Overview of the Safeguard Information System

The SIS website is available at: https://pngsis.org/sis/. The objective of PNG’s SIS is to provide information that is accessible by all relevant stakeholders to demonstrate that the seven Cancun safeguards are being addressed and respected throughout REDD+ implementation. As such, the SIS will be used to:

  • provide information that is accessible by all domestic stakeholders to demonstrate that the seven Cancun safeguards are being addressed and respected throughout REDD+ implementation; and
  • to prepare the most recent summary of information on how all the Cancun safeguards are being addressed and respected. The Government of PNG intends to utilize the information compiled and managed by the SIS as the basis for the preparation of its summary of information to the UNFCCC. The institutional arrangements for the SIS are linked to the overall institutional arrangements set out for the implementation of the National REDD+ Strategy, an overview of the functions and institutional arrangements of GoPNG’s SIS and associated institutional arrangements are further explained and presented in figure 1, 2 and 3.

Functions and Institutional Arrangements of the SIS

REDD+ Coordination Arrangements


Functions of the SIS

Overview of the functions and institutional arrangements of GoPNG’s SIS


GoPNG’s SIS Process

Overview of the GoPNG’s SIS process

You can read detailed information on PNG’s Safeguard Information System to the UNFCCC, including the Summary of Information from the link below.

PNG SIS Framework: https://redd.unfccc.int/uploads/4838_3_png_sis_framework.pdf

PNG SOI: https://redd.unfccc.int/uploads/4838_2_png_soi.pdf