Awareness Materials (PDF files)
Welcome to our web page dedicated to climate change awareness and resources for Papua New Guinea (PNG). Here, you’ll find valuable information and materials to help you understand and address the impacts of climate change in PNG. Learn about the specific challenges faced by PNG due to climate change and discover practical strategies for adaptation and mitigation. Our resources provide guidance on how individuals, communities, and policymakers can contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future for PNG. Select the links below to download a copy of our Awareness Materails ; General Awareness Materials REDD+ Awareness Materials MRV Awareness Materials ...
E-Learning (REDD+ Academy)
The REDD+ Academy is the UN-REDD Programme’s capacity development initiative. As part of the Programme’s knowledge management support to partner countries, it seeks to enable systematic, focused capacity development to deliver REDD+ on the ground. To access online Academy Resources, please click a link here for Academy E-Learning.
Communications & Knowledge
Communications and Knowledge Management (CKM) Strategy: Raising awareness and increasing knowledge about forests, climate change, and the REDD+ readiness activities and process, and linking these to ongoing government initiatives is keyto overcomingcapacity gaps and lack of understanding on the progress and developments of REDD+ in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Recognizing this as a crucial element, PNG has developed its REDD+ Communications and Knowledge Management strategy 2017-2020 and endorsed in 2017 for implementation. The main goal of the communications strategy is to support the REDD+ readiness process by enhancing communication and knowledge with all relevant stakeholders on REDD+ within the context of ...
Meeting and Workshop Records
Workshop Records: Report Year Published BUR2 Validation Workshop Report 2022 BUR2 Launching Report 2022 Meeting Records: Year Published
Multimedia (YouTube Channel)
PNG REDD+ YouTube Channel PNG is one of six countries out of 196 that are signatory to the Paris Agreement. The NDC commitments were offered from the National Climate Compatible Development Management Policy (NCCDMP), under which PNG aims to reduce its emissions to 50 percent by 2030 – and to be carbon neutral by 2050, while also maintaining a vibrant economy, and that the targets are conditional. A Green Path for the Future The video highlights the significance of conserving and managing PNG’s forest resources in a more sustainable manner and their significant ecological roles in addressing climate ...