National REDD+ Strategy (NRS)
For Papua New Guinea to implement REDD+ under the UNFCCC requires development and implementation of a National REDD+ Strategy or action plan that ensures the full and effective participation of all relevant stakeholders. The National REDD+ Strategy or action plan should outline the country’s vision and objectives for REDD+ and how these will support national development priorities. The National REDD+ Strategy or action plan should provide information on the four core design elements of REDD+ and a clear plan for how REDD+ will be implemented.
The Government of PNG with support from UNDP completed the development of its National REDD+ Strategy (NRS) 2017-2027 in 2017. The development of the NRS was led by Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) and PNG Forest Authority (PNGFA) over an 18-month period through a process of structured consultation and awareness raising with inputs by key stakeholders from government agencies, civil society and the private sector. Through the consultation process, the country’s vision for REDD+ has been determined, objectives have been set and key action areas have been mapped out.
Papua New Guinea’s National REDD+ Strategy (NRS) 2017-2027 (document) was approved by the National Executive Council (NEC) in May 2017 and endorsed by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill. This was followed by the official launch of the Strategy in October 2017.
PNG is at the stage of Investment Planning and Preparation for testing of Policies and Measures (PAMs) identified under the NRS 2017-2018. This is where more detailed and costed action plans are now required for key sectors and geographical areas. These will be used to develop a clear REDD+ Finance and Investment Plan (RFIP) mapping out the financing needs for achieving emission reductions and to identify what financing is available and what financing is needed.
This step will include both national and subnational level consultation, capacity building and planning and will bring together stakeholders from across sectors. Specific action will be focused within a small number of demonstration provinces, including Madang, East and West New Britain Provinces.