Papua New Guinea Launches its Second Nationally Determined Contribution
A milestone achievement has been reached for the Papua New Guinea (PNG) national government, development partners and stakeholders with the launch of the country’s second Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).
The PNG NDC outlines key targets and climate actions that PNG is taking under the Paris Agreement as part of the global fight against climate change.
“PNG can be very proud that we are taking proactive steps in mitigating impacts of Climate Change,”
said the Hon. Wera Mori, Minister for Environment, Conservation and Climate Change officiated at the launch of Papua New Guinea’s Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions 2020’’, on Monday 21st December 2020, in Port Moresby.
PNG is one of six countries out of 196 that are signatory to the Paris Agreement.
“My Government, and through successive leaderships, have shown commitment to fulfilling PNG’s obligations under the UNFCCC through mainstreaming climate change into development priorities as per the Vision 2050, the National Development Strategic Plan 2010- 2030, and the Medium-Term Development Plan III,”
said Minister Marape on behalf of Prime Minister Hon. James Marape.
Papua New Guinea, as a signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), ratified the Paris Agreement in New York during the 72nd United Nations General Assembly. PNG is a member of the Small Islands Developing State (SIDS) and aligns itself with the Alliance of Small Island Developing State (AOSIS) within the UNFCCC negotiations. PNG is also fortunate to be the current Chair of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN).
Acting United Nations Resident Coordinator, Mr Lance Bonneau, said there is no greater single-issue facing PNG’s national development than climate change.
“Taking urgent action on climate change requires a collaborative effort by all stakeholders from affected communities, Governments, civil society organisations, the private sector and development partners,”
said Mr Bonneau.
Mr Bonneau said Papua New Guinea has always been at the forefront of climate action in the Pacific Region.
“This is a key milestone, and we are proud to be part of this great achievement. The enhancement of NDC with concrete targets to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions, within the Forestry and Energy sectors, reflects PNG’s continued commitment to reduce emissions. To building resilient communities, PNG has also included adaptation targets of NDCs,” Mr. Bonneau said.
The NDC commitments were offered from the National Climate Compatible Development Management Policy (NCCDMP), under which PNG aims to reduce its emissions to 50 percent by 2030 – and to be carbon neutral by 2050, while also maintaining a vibrant economy, and that the targets are conditional. The commitments for emission reductions are focused on the energy and forestry with targets of a carbon-neutral energy industries sector, a reduction by 10,000Gg of emissions from the forest sector through delivering a 25% reduction in levels of deforestation and degradation.
Minister Mori congratulated the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) NDC Technical Team with support from various key stakeholders, the development partners in particular UNDP, FAO, USAID, GGGI, NDC Partnerships, GIZ, IRENA; UNEP, DFAT and the NDC Regional Pacific Hub, who worked tirelessly on revising NDC and providing support throughout the process.