
Functions and institutional arrangements

The SIS has four main functions, which are illustrated and explained below.

Function 1: Collection of information

This function refers to the process of collecting information on the ground.


The collection of information will be carried out by the REDD+ Implementors (i.e. those agencies with institutional responsibility and mandate over the implementation of the REDD+ actions) as a component of their monitoring and reporting responsibilities.

Function 2: Aggregation of information

This function refers to the process of aggregating the requested information at national level with the purpose of being able to report on the application of the safeguards at national level.


The REDD+ Safeguards TWC with the support of the National Safeguard Specialist will be responsible for the aggregation of the information.

Function 3: Analysis of information

The analysis function aims to offer a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the information in order to determine to what extent the safeguards are being addressed and respected at national level.


The REDD+ Safeguards TWC with the support of the National Safeguard Specialist will analyse the information. Apart from the data provided by the REDD+ implementors, relevant information collected and reported by existing and relevant systems will be considered and utilized in this phase of analysis of information. The key information systems and mechanisms are outlined in table 1 and 2 below.


Table 1 List of existing and relevant national information systems and sources

Institution responsible Relevant to safeguard
1. Satellite Land Monitoring System (part of National Forest Monitoring System) Climate Change and Development Authority C, D, E, F and G
2. National Forest Inventory/ Forest Inventory Mapping System (part of National Forest Monitoring System) PNG Forest Authority B, E, F and G
3. Environmental Management Information System Conservation and Environment Protection Authority E
4. PNG Resource Information System Department of Agriculture and Livestock C, F and G
5. Mineral Tenement Database, FlexiCadastre Mineral Resources Authority F and G
6. Pacific Islands Legal information Institute within the Dept. of Prime Minister & National Executive Council All (‘addressed’)
7. International Household Survey Network National Statistics Office C
8. Incorporated Land Groups Registry Dept. of Lands & Physical Planning B and C

Table 2: List of reporting mechanisms to international treaties and agreements considered relevant for providing information on REDD + safeguards

Treaty or Convention Institution responsible Relevant to safeguard
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) CEPA E
UN Convention on Climate Change and Desertification (UNCCD) CEPA A
Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) CEPA E
RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands CEPA A
Convention on the Protection and Promotion of The Diversity of Cultural Expressions Tourism Promotion Authority C
United Nations Convention Against Corruption Dept. of Justice & Attorney General (DJAG) – Public Prosecutor’s Office B
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights TPA B, C and E
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights DJAG B and C
Convention On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Racial Discrimination DJAG – Public Solicitor’s Office B and C
Convention On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Discrimination Against Women Dept. of Community Development B

With all the information, the REDD+ Safeguards TWC with the support of the National Safeguard Specialist will prepare a draft report and submit it for public comments.

Function 4: Dissemination of Information

This function refers to the process of disseminating the information produced by the SIS.

A national report will be prepared every two years. Once the NCCB/NRSC endorses the final report, the CCDA will publish it as a final version on the SIS website.

The CCDA will adapt the national report into a summary of information in order to be able to submit it to the UNFCCC every two years.