
PNG’s REDD+ Results 2014-2015 (BUR1)

REDD+ Results 2014-2015: Linear Projection (Technically Assessed)

The REDD+ results relative to the FRL in terms of CO2 equivalent. 

Decision 14/ CP.19, paragraph 3, “agrees that the data and information used by Parties in the estimation of anthropogenic forest-related emissions by sources and removals by sinks, forest carbon stocks, and forest-area changes, as appropriate to the activities referred to in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 70, undertaken by Parties, should be transparent, and consistent over time and with the established forest reference emission levels and/or forest reference levels in accordance with decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 71(b) and (c) and section II of decision 12/CP.17”. 

CO2 emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Papua New Guinea in the period from 2001 to 2013, used in the construction of the FRL, were estimated using the formula: 

Annual emission (tCO2e) = 1,679,607 x Year -3,339,358,085 

For this Technical Annex, the REDD+ results for years 2014 to 2015 were calculated using the same approach, simply by subtracting the Total Emissions and Removals value for that period from the FRL 2014-2018 results. However, PNG realised that the linear extrapolation of post-deforestation removals would result in an over-estimation of emission reduction, i.e. an over-estimation of results, therefore it proposed a small correction as explained in section 3.2. So for year t , the reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation were as follows:

Hence, the emission reduction in 2014 corresponds to:
43, 369,737 tCO2 – 38, 677,156 tCO2 – 735,170 tCO2 = 3, 957,412t CO2, etc. 

The total results achieved by PNG in reducing emissions by REDD+ activities from 2014 to 2015, was the sum of the results achieved for each year of the period shown in Table below. 

Year FRL emission Actual emission Post deforestation correction REDD+ results
(t CO2 eq)
2014 43,369,737 38,677,156 735,170 3,957,412
2015 45,049,344 39,024,003 979,439 5,045,902

Total REDD+ result achieved by PNG in 2014 and 2015 = 3,957,412 tCO2 + 5,045,902 tCO2 = 9,003,314 tCO2


REDD+ Results 2014-2015 (against the Linear Projected FRL)


Source: PNG’s First Biennial Update Report (BUR1): Technical Annex
3.1 The REDD+ results relative to the FRL in terms of CO2 equivalent.

REDD+ Results 2014-2015: Historical Average (for GCF RBP Pilot)

The REDD+ results for the years 2014 to 2015 were assessed against the recalculated historical average FRL of 5-year (2009-2013) Historical Average plus 0.02% of total carbon stock in 2013. The following formula was applied to calculate the REDD+ results:

REDD+ results (t) = FRL (Historical Average + 0.02% of total C Stock) 2014 to 2018 – Total Emissions and Removals at year t; (tCO2/yr.)

Thus, REDD+ results achieved by Papua New Guinea in 2014 and 2015 against the historicalaverage FRL is calculated as follows:
(i) 2014: 42,172,324 tCO2 – 38,677,156 tCO2= 3,495,169 tCO2
(ii) 2015: 42,172,324 tCO2 – 39,024,003 tCO2 = 3,148,321 tCO2
Total REDD+ results achieved by PNG in 2014 and 2015 against the Historical Average FRL=3,495,168 tCO2 + 3,148,321tCO2 = 6,643,490 tCO2

REDD+ Results 2014-2015 (against the Historical Average FRL)

Source: PNG’s First Biennial Update Report (BUR1): Annex to Technical Annex