PNG’s REDD+ and Forest Monitoring Web-Portal was established for disseminating forest and land use information to public for ensuring the transparency of PNG REDD+ process. The web portal was developed jointly by CCDA and PNGFA. Other government agencies and private sectors (Conservation and Environmental Protection Authority, Mineral Resources Authority, National Statistics Office, etc) are responsible for providing all the necessary data needed for the web-portal. The web-portal is managed by CCDA who is responsible for publishing and updating the online information.
PNG REDD+ and Forest Monitoring Web-Portal (Source: CCDA)
After the Web-Portal was launched in 2017, PNG had made a lot of new achievements (products with publications) related to the forest and land use in PNG, such as “Forest and Land Use Change in Papua New Guinea 2000 – 2015”, which explains the results and method of Collect Earth assessment in PNG, which was used as a base data for FRL and BUR. There are also several new achievements related to REDD+ and land use in PNG initiated by CCDA with support of FCPF/UNDP. The updating and enhancement of the Web-Portal were completed in 2021 and released as “PNG Climate Change and Forest Monitoring Web-Portal” in 2022.
Updated PNG Climate Change and Forest Monitoring Web-Portal (Source: CCDA)
Link: Climate Change and Forest Monitoring Web-Portal
Source: Introduction to PNG Climate Change and Forest Monitoring Web-Portal