The two key government organisations responsible for the measuring, reporting and verifying the results are CCDA and PNGFA. Other government departments provide auxiliary information for the REDD+ implementation. For example, Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA) is responsible for providing data on conservation and protected area; the Department of Agriculture and Livestock provides information on agriculture plantation area and type; and the information on administrative areas are provided by the National Statistics Office. Verification is implemented domestically through the stakeholders’ consultation process, particularly through technical working committee meetings and national consultation workshops.
MRV Components |
Responsible Institutions/mechanism |
Roles |
Platforms use |
Measuring |
·PNG Forest Authority (PNGFA) is responsible for providing activity data from the Collect Earth land use assessment for the estimation of emissions and removals in the LULUCF sector · PNGFA also contributes to the estimation of emissions and removals through Technical Working Committee (TWC) meetings and one-on-one meetings. |
· Collect Earth · Saiku
Estimating CO2 emissions and removals from deforestation, forest degradation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in PNG based on the Collect Earth land use assessment. Providing land use dynamic information on extent of forest cover, forest cover change, drivers, and other land use using TerraPNG wall-to-wall mapping system to support/complement Collect Earth point sampling. |
· TerraAmazon/TerraPNG |
Reporting |
CCDA REDD+ and AFOLU/MRV Technical Working Committees
·Providing validation and other technical inputs for the national greenhouse gas inventories and REDD+ results submissions to the UNFCCC and ensuring the quality of the submissions. |
Technical Working Committee meetings and workshops |
Reporting country’s MRV progress and results to UNFCCC. |
National Communication reports and Biennial Update Report (BURs) to UNFCCC |
UNFCCC assigned international experts (Team of Technical Experts, e.g. LULUCF international experts Others: ·MRV/AFOLU and REDD+ TWCs (technical working committees) of CCDA. These committees comprise of domestic experts from the government and private sectors, academia, civil society organisations, and national consultants. |
Verifying the submissions from Parties, by appointing two LULUCF experts to assess the FRL submissions and the technical annexes. |
UNFCCC International Consultation and Analysis of PNG’s submitted FRL and BURs. National Stakeholders consultation i.e. TWC meetings and workshops |
Stakeholders’ responsibility for REDD+ MRV in PNG