
Existing System for Monitoring REDD+ Results

PNG has an operational and robust national REDD+ MRV System for monitoring and evaluating the REDD+ results achieved through the implementation of REDD+ activities (Deforestation and Forest degradation) to ensure that the results reported or claimed for the GCF RBP are maintained over the rest of the results period (2016-17-18) under the pilot programme. PNG is currently developing a REDD+ Registry with funding from its GCF REDD+ Readiness Project that will further enhance monitoring and evaluation of the REDD+ results reported. The REDD+ Registry System is closely related to BUR, Technical Annex (REDD+ Results Reporting) and FRL. The large part of information of those reports are produced from NFMS and the other systems in PNG and Data Management System (DMS) of REDD+ Registry System will be developed as enhancement of PNG’s existing NFMS

Source: PNG’s Second Biennial Update Report (BUR2): Technical Annex
4.2.2 Existing system for monitoring REDD+ results