
Papua New Guinea Launches National REDD+ Strategy

Papua New Guinea Launches National REDD+ Strategy

Port Moresby, 6 October 2017 – The Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) officially launched its National REDD+ Strategy (NRS) 2017-2027 at the Grand Papua Hotel in Port Moresby today. The strategy is both a key part of the country’s Green Growth Development agenda as laid out in the Strategy for Responsible and Sustainable Development (StaRS) and is central to PNG’s approach to addressing climate change.

Its implementation will strengthen sustainability of PNG’s forest industries, support agricultural development, improve land use planning and management to ensure the country’s natural environment is protected. It will also help to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and the vulnerability of rural communities to climate change.

Government Ministers from Left to Right are: Minister for Forests, Hon. Douglas Tomuriesa, Minister for Conservation, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. John Pundari, Minister for Inter-Government Relations, Hon. Kevin Isufu, UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Roy Trivedy, Minister for Lands and Physical Planning, Hon. Justin Tkatchenko and two youths in traditional attire with the replica of the National REDD+ Strategy during the official launch.

The NRS was officially launched by the government of PNG represented by the Minister for Environment, Conservation and Climate Change, Hon. John Pundari, Minister for Forests, Hon. Douglas Tomuriesa, Minister for Lands, Hon. Justin Tkatchenko and the Minister for Inter-Government Relations Hon. Kevin Isufu.

“I am extremely proud to present this strategy, which has the potential to provide real benefits to our communities, our environment and our nation, while also supporting the global fight against climate change”, said Minister Pundari during the official launch of the strategy.

“I sincerely congratulate all our good stakeholders for their joint efforts in making it happen and looking forward to further collaboration towards implementation of the strategy.

“I would also like to thank our good development partners; the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through funding from the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and the UN-REDD Programme the latter of which was implemented in partnership with the FAO”, said Minister Pundari.

Minister Pundari also acknowledged the support provided by the Government of Australia, the Government of Italy, the European Union (EU), GIZ, JICA, CFRN as well as other partners that have been critical to the development of REDD+ in PNG.

PNG’s NRS targets action by government, communities and the private sector to help manage the country’s forests while also helping to develop rural economies. It will support improvements in legislation and capacity across government sectors including climate change, environment, forestry, and lands as well as partnerships with private sector to help strengthen economic activities and increase the opportunities for rural communities.

The development of the NRS was led by the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) and PNG Forest Authority (PNGFA) with support from other government agencies, civil society and private sector representatives.

Minister for Forests, Hon. Douglas Tomuriesa also expressed his satisfaction on the development of the NRS.

“I am proud to have been involved in the development of a strategy that has built on detailed information that PNGFA have been able to provide on our country’s forest resources.

“This is truly progress in the development of evidence-based forest policy and is based on the excellent analysis conducted in PNGFA and supported by the EU funded National Forest Inventory and the PNG-FRIMS projects under JICA”, said Minister Tomuriesa.

The United Nations Development Programme supported the development of the NRS with funding from the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. UNDP Regional Director for Asia and Pacific, Mr. Haoliang Xu, who was present at the launch, was impressed with the steps PNG is taking as a country towards addressing climate change and congratulated the government of PNG.

“It is my privilege today to witness PNG’s progress in fighting climate change and the strides the country is taking towards the Sustainable Development Goals. REDD+ will help ensure forest development is sustainable and support green growth in PNG. I congratulate the Government of PNG and express UNDP’s ongoing commitment to supporting the Government to take action on climate change”, said Mr. Xu. The NRS will be followed by the development of a National REDD+ Finance and Investment Plan to ensure long-term sustainable financing and management systems are in place to support the implementation of the strategy.