
GEF-CBIT2 Validation Workshop Press Release (January 23rd, 2024)

CBIT2 final Workshop Group Photo

GEF-CBIT2 Validation Workshop Press Release (January 23rd, 2024)

PORT MORESBY – January 23rd, 2024: The REDD+ Readiness Project in Papua New Guinea has made significant strides in combating climate change, promoting sustainable forest management, and conserving biodiversity. The readiness phase has prepared PNG to effectively implement REDD+ activities. (Link to Workshop Report & Presentation


The AFOLU sector, critical for PNG’s greenhouse gas emissions and removals, achieved net-zero emissions as reported in the PNG’s second Biennial Update Report (BUR 2) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2022 by the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA). Prioritized alongside the Energy sector, the AFOLU sector significantly contributes to climate change mitigation, notably through REDD+ efforts. PNG’s commitment to REDD+ readiness, demonstrated through initiatives like the UN-REDD National Programme (2012-2017), FCPF REDD+ Readiness Project (2015-2020), EU National Forest Inventory Project (2015-2019), and other donor projects has positioned PNG as one of the most advanced countries in REDD+.


Engagement with the private sector through ‘nature-based solutions’ and the establishment of an AFOLU Registry has been crucial. ensures alignment with NDC objectives, manages investment impacts, and prevents double counting of results.


The PNG GCF Readiness project has strengthened institutional capacities and governance mechanisms, excelling in two key components:

  • Developing strategic frameworks to address policy gaps, improve sectoral expertise, and create enabling environments for GCF programming in low-emission investment.
  • Formulating strategies for attracting private sector investment in low emissions and resilience.

Mr. William Lakain, the Acting Managing Director of Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA), stated, “The REDD+ Readiness Project demonstrates Papua New Guinea’s dedication to environmental sustainability and global climate goals. Addressing deforestation and enhancing sustainable forest management are crucial steps towards a resilient and green future.”

The launch of the upgraded PNG Forest and Land Use Monitoring Geoportal [1] marks a significant advancement in environmental monitoring. Mr. Jason Paniu, Acting MRV Manager, remarked, “The upgraded Geoportal is a milestone in our commitment to environmental conservation, aligning with PNG’s vision for sustainable development”.

The geoportal’s launch is a collaborative effort between CCDA and FAO, which provided technical support in geospatial solutions for environmental monitoring. FAO Head of Office, Mr. Birl Mandal, added, “This Geoportal is a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in driving sustainable development.”

Meanwhile, with the finalization of Phase 2 of the CBIT project, PNG aims to enhance institutional and technical capacity for improving climate governance and NDC transparency, focusing on prioritized sectors (Energy and AFOLU). Expected outcomes include enhanced climate governance, improved data management systems, and strengthened technical capacities for NDC actions, climate finance tracking, and MRV for GHG inventory.


Mr. Lakain thanked all development partners and stakeholders, particularly FAO and the Green Climate Fund, Global Environment Facility, and the Government of Australia for their invaluable support: “These projects could not have been possible without your invaluable support. On that note, I thank you all on behalf of CCDA.” 


For media inquiries, please contact:

Samson Kupale

Communications Officer, CCDA

Phone: +675 341 4283

Email: samson.kupale@ccda.gov.pg 

About CCDA:

The Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) is the government agency responsible for coordinating PNG’s efforts to address climate change and implement its international obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement.

About FAO:

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger and improve nutrition and food security.