
PNG Deforestation Alerts & Monitoring System

In terms of “MRV”, measurement frequency is annual based (by Collect Earth) and reporting is biannual based (for BUR).  Such national reports need to be produced with great care, based on accurate and scrutinized data. The assessment and analysis require substantial time and resources. Consequently, there will be a considerable time lag before information such as deforestation is announced.  In terms of “Monitoring”, the needs to monitor the potential deforestation areas in the national protected areas, REDD+ project areas and logging constraints areas more frequently such as monthly or even weekly have been raised by the stakeholders including the government agencies, CSOs and academic institutions. Near-real-time information enable responsible authorities and organizations including the communities to take necessary measures against unplanned or unauthorized forest clearing, and prevent from further expansion.

Considering the situation above, the GoPNG decided to develop prototype PNG Deforestation Alerts and Monitoring System using the latest technologies with FAO assistance with affordable cost in the world and information existing in PNG, as a part of Monitoring Function under NFMS, to consider the potentials and issues/challenges for PNG. This new system is complementing the existing and potential systems in PNG, and collaboratively developed and managed by the several government organizations in PNG.


PNG Near Real-time Deforestation

Indicative Work-Flow of PNG Near Real-time Deforestation Alerts and Monitoring System


PNG Near Real-time Deforestation and Degradation Alerts and Monitoring System will be oriented in a part of Monitoring function under NFMS. Figure 12‑6 shows PNG Resource Information Network and the Deforestation Monitoring Alerts System. NFMS with this Deforestation Alerts system is contributing to implementation of Conservation / Environment Protection, Climate Change and Development, and Sustainable Forest Management, by collaborating with existing systems in PNG.


PNG Resource Information Network and Monitoring System

PNG Resource Information Network and Monitoring System

Link: Deforestation Alerts and Monitoring System
Source: Introduction to PNG Climate Change and Forest Monitoring Web-Portal