[2]National Forest Policy 1991, Part II (2) refer to Forest Management Policies and outlines the basis for all National Forestry Development Programmes, and includes the need for all forestry in the country to be managed in accordance with this policy.
[3]The Forestry and Climate Change Framework for Action 2015 , Section F – this refers to Climate Change Initiatives under UNFCCC and mention specific reference to REDD+ under Clause (F.2(i)(e) as a possible activity to be included within their forestry mandate. However, this document is now considered outdated.
[4] The MTDP III, 2018-2022 has specific c sections (2.1 and 3.2, 3.3, 4.2 and 4.8 ) which make reference to forestry as part of broad targets for increased revenue and wealth creation and responsible sustainable development These sections set out clear indicators and targets for this. Forestry targets and indicators are tied into the broader goal of responsible sustainable development and covers the reduction in round logs and increases to downstream processing, conservation and sustainable management of forests, sustainable reforestation and afforestation programmes and protecting and conserving rainforests through the reduction in primary forest depletion rates per year from logging. In this policy document they are presented as key results areas (KRAs) for the country. .
[5]Key Results Areas
[6]The Fourth National Goal and Directive Principle of the Constitution of PNG and section 25 – Implementation of the NGDP’s.
[7] These are: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC, Cancun Agreement, Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES), Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Wastes and Other Matter, Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, International Tropical Timber Agreement 1983, International Tropical Timber Agreement 1994, Torres Strait Treaty 1978.
[8] Section 51 of the National Constitution.
[9] Section 51 of the National Constitution.
[10] Section 51 (3) of the National Constitution.
[11] Section 103A (3)(a) of the Forestry Act, 1991
[12] Section 103A (3)(b) to (c) Forestry Act, 1991.
[13] Forestry Regulations 1998, regulations 245 (access to Maps), 246 (access to Forms related to various aspects of Forestry activities/operations and PNGFA regulated matters), 247 (access to Tender Forms), and 249 (access to the Public register).
[14] Those of particular relevance are the Auditor General’s Office, the Department of Finance, Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Commission as well as the Public Accounts Committees.
[15] Under Part VIII and Division 1 the relevant Public Finance offices are established. These include the Auditor-General (s.213 and 214), and the Public Accounts Committees (s. 215 and 216).
[16]This provision, however, focuses on the rights emanating from persons in custody or charged with criminal offences.
[17] Section 37 of the National Constitution.
[18] Section 155(2), (3) and of the National Constitution.
[19] Supreme, National Court and District Courts of PNG.
[20] Under section 58 of the Forestry Act in relation to Forest Management Agreements and the 34 step process for establishing this.
[21] Under section 53 of the Constitution.
[22] National Goals and Directive Principles, 2 and ss.37 and 55 of the National Constitution.
[23] E.g., section 46 of the Forestry Act 1991 and representation of customary owners is seen in the National Forest Board, the Provincial Forest Management Committees (PFMCs) and through multi-stakeholder representation.
[24] Participation by all key stakeholders is provided for under sections 98, 115 and 116 of the OLPLLG 1998.
[25]ILO Convention 169, Article 6 – I.
- The consultations carried out in application of this Convention shall be undertaken, in good faith and in a form appropriate to the circumstances, with the objective of achieving agreement or consent to the proposed measures.
[26] Example in Forestry – the responsibilities of the Board in initiating this process is defined under Regulation 83 (and specifically Form 80), in which a notice is expected to be drafted and sent to these respective stakeholders advising them to provide their views within a specified time. This process is also provided for Timber Permits and under some of the activities requiring Timber Authorities described in Regs. 160 – 168.
[27] Section 51(3) of the Constitution.
[28] Section 88(c)(vi) & (vii) of the Forestry Act 1991 and Regulations 160, 162, 164, 166 and 168 and Form 165 of the Forestry Regulations 1998.
[29] Access to this register, however, is subject to the payment of a fee. The Register is established under Section 103A of the Forestry Act 1991.
[30]Section 14 of the Environment Planning Act.
[31] Section 13(1) of the Environment Planning Act
[32] The Environmental Planning Act, 1978.
[33] Section 20 of the Environmental Planning Act, 1978.
[34] Section 18 of the Environmental Planning Act, 1978.
[35] Incorporated Land Groups are created for this sole purpose under the Land Groups Incorporations (Amendment) Act 2009.
[36] The Forestry Act 1991 and Forestry Regulations, 1998.
[37] National Goals and Directive Principle 2 of the National Constitution.
[38] UNDRIP – Article 10 “Indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories. No relocation shall take place without the free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples concerned and after agreement on just and fair compensation and, where possible, with the option of return.” Article 19 States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free, prior and informed consent before adopting and implementing legislative or administrative measures that may affect them. Also applicable are Articles 28 and 32.
[39] Sections 32 – 56 of the National Constitution.
[40] Forestry Act 1991, the Oil & Gas Act 1998, the Fauna (Protection and Control) Act and the Climate Change Management Act 2015.
[41] Under Pillar 1 of the Protected Areas Policy and specifically mentioned in the recent NRS 2017, the CCDMP and the CCDA developed FPIC Guidelines for REDD+ Projects.
[42] National Goals and Directive Principles 2, subsections (3) and (5).
[43] This is stated specifically in section 55 of the Constitution in regards to the Right to Equality of Citizens.
[44] The Papua New Guinea National Policy for Women and Gender Equality 2011-2015.
[45] The National Public Service Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Policy.
[46] The Constitution, NGDP 4(a) refers to the requirement to “manage, develop and protect the Nation’s forest resources and environment in such a way as to conserve and renew them as an asset for the succeeding generations.”
[47] Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species.
[48] Example, considerations such as whether an area is designated as production or protection forests under the Forestry Policy and Act. This includes ascertaining whether the area is ideal for potential timber harvesting or not (as per criteria listed under the PNG Logging Code of Practice). These are limited to areas proposed for FMA’s and TA’s/TP’s. The NFDG’s mention consideration of biodiversity in relation to the process of Forest Land Conversion.
[49] Article M.1 of the National Forest Development Guidelines – Conversion of Forest Lands.
[50] Mitigation activities within forestry legislation relate to provisions which deter any interference within naturally forested areas such as the 10% set aside for ‘conservation areas’ within FMAs or other timber production areas
[51] This is often the outcome of a project commenced under an SABL as per the Land Act 1996. However, these processes are now subject to review as part of national land reforms and amendments to all land legislation
[52] Example, as seen in the FSC National Forest Management Standards for PNG.
[53]Section 53(2)(e) of the Climate Change Management Act 2015.
[54] This is an all-encompassing tool using GIS and satellite imagery to monitor and distribute information on land classification, land use, forest cover and forest resources and areas suitable for afforestation, conservation and traditional/indigenous land use.
[55] The key agencies involved in setting up this system are the PNGFA, CCDA and UNREDD.
[56] These are the standards and certification processes used by the forest industry/private sector in PNG to verify the processing of timber including the SGS ITTO TLTV (Timber Legality and Timber Verification Standards).
[57] In the recent NRS These the main drivers of deforestation were (i) comercial logging (98.1%) are and (ii) other forms of land use (small scale logging, gardening and fires, etc (1.9%): whilst the main drivers of forest degradation were (i) subsistence farming (shifting agriculture)(55%), clearing, (ii) commercial agriculture (26%) and (iii) forest to other land use and agriculture (19%).
[58] E.g the development of EcoForestry Guidelines as part of the National Forest Policy.