
Indicators for reporting

Cancun Safeguard A


A.1. Description of how the REDD+ Strategy and associated PLRs are consistent with the objectives of national forest programmes

A.2. Description of how the REDD+ Strategy and associated PLRs are consistent with the objectives of the various international agreements to which GoPNG is a Party.




A.3. Description of how (e.g. through use of mandates and procedures) the implementation of the REDD+ activities was consistent with the objectives of national forest programmes.

A.4. Description of how (e.g. through use of mandates and procedures) the implementation of the REDD+ activities was consistent with the objectives of the various international agreements to which GoPNG is a Party.

Cancun Safeguard B


B.1. Description of PLRs, institutional mandates and procedures for providing and disseminating information concerning the REDD+ activities.

B.2. Description of anti-corruption PLRs and measures in place concerning the implementation of the REDD+ activities.

B.3. Description of PLRs, institutional mandates and procedures concerning the protection of land tenure rights for the implementation of REDD+ activities.

B.4. Description of PLRs, institutional mandates and procedures for dispute resolution mechanisms regarding the implementation of REDD+ activities.



B.5.  Description of information provided concerning the proposed REDD+ activities in each locality (depending on the scale of the proposed REDD+ interventions), including through active dissemination, and to what extent was it done in a timely (i.e. before implementation begins) and culturally appropriate (i.e. adapting to local capacities) manner;

B.6. Description of the distribution and disbursement of REDD+ benefits related to the implementation of REDD+ results based actions

B.7. Description of REDD+ related grievances received, process followed to adjudicate and outcomes, including records of any REDD+ related efforts to ensure access to justice in the context of the implementation of REDD+ activities.

B.8. Number of grievances addressed and resolved by implementing authorities.

B.9. Description of how land tenure and land use rights have been recognized and protected during the implementation of REDD+ activities

B.10. Description of impacts on rights holders and stakeholders related to rights to lands, territories and resources

B.11. If applicable, description of any resettlement process (including procedures followed, compensation provided, motive for resettlement) for each REDD+ activity.

B.12. Amount and type of compensation awarded for displacement (if and as applicable) and breakdown of compensation by gender.

Cancun Safeguard C


C.1. Description of PLRs, institutional mandates and procedures for the identification of customary landowners, local communities and vulnerable groups in the context of the implementation of the REDD+ activities.

C.2. Description of PLRs, institutional mandates and procedures to respect and protect traditional knowledge.

C.3. Description of PLRs, institutional mandates and procedures for the recognition, respect and protection of the rights of customary landowners, local communities and vulnerable groups.



C.4. Description of how customary landowners, local communities and vulnerable groups were identified, and how their rights were recognized and protected in the implementation of the REDD+ activities.

C.5. Description of how traditional knowledge and cultural heritage and practices of customary landowners, local communities and vulnerable groups were identified, respected and protected during implementation of the REDD+ activities

C.6. Number of customary landowners, local communities and vulnerable groups residing in areas affected by REDD+ activities.

C.7. Description of any sacred sites or other sites of cultural significance to communities in areas that may be affected by REDD+ activities.

C.8. If applicable, description of how (if at all) traditional knowledge has been used/has contributed to REDD+ activities implementation and how Indigenous peoples’ intellectual property has been protected.

Cancun Safeguard D


D.1. Description of PLRs, institutional mandates and procedures that recognize and regulate the right to participate in the implementation of the REDD+ activities.

D.2. Description of PLRs, institutional mandates and procedures that specifically recognize and regulate the right of customary landowners, local communities and vulnerable groups to participate in the implementation of the REDD+ activities.



D.3. Description of the general categories of stakeholders (women, youth, the elderly, etc) and how they were involved in the implementation of the REDD+ activities (documentation and mapping of stakeholders, information shared, feedback gathered, in what format was it gathered).

D.4. Description of  approaches to participation as well as the outcomes of the participation processes (e.g. type of meeting, purpose of meeting and level (regional cluster/sub regional, district council, culturally appropriate information produced, non-technical information produced, capacity building activities, specific meetings organised for vulnerable groups, how the ideas or comments from relevant stakeholders led to implementation changed/was influenced by considering the views of the relevant stakeholders) carried out in the context of the implementation of the REDD+ activities.

D.5. Number of meetings held, number of participants (organized according to categories of participant), disaggregated by gender and age.

D.6. If applicable, description and evidence of how FPIC processes were followed prior to REDD+ activities in areas of customary landowners and local communities, and whether they affected the implementation of REDD+ (REDD+ activities cancelled where FPIC withheld).

D.7. If applicable, number of FPIC processes followed (FPIC granted, FPIC withheld -resulting in intervention not going ahead).

Cancun Safeguard E


E.1. Description of PLRs, institutional mandates and procedures that define the term natural forests distinguishing them from plantations

E.2. Description of PLRs, institutional mandates and procedures that protect and conserve natural forests, biodiversity and ecosystems

E.3. Description of PLRs, institutional mandates and procedures that regulate the assessment or enhancement of social and environmental benefits



E.4. Description of how REDD+ activities did not result in the conversion of natural forests.

E.5. Spatial information on the country’s natural forest cover before and after REDD+ implementation.

E.6. Spatial information on extent of plantations nationally and rate of change in extent of plantations.

E.7. Description of whether and how the projected ecological, biological, climatic and socio-cultural priorities of REDD+ activities were realised following implementation.

E.8. Description of how the implementation of REDD+ activities has impacted biodiversity

E.9. Description of measures taken to ensure REDD+ actions have contributed to delivering social and environmental benefits.

Cancun Safeguard F and G


F&G.1. Description of MRV designed, maintained and implemented with the appropriate frequency to detect and provide information on reversals and displacement of emissions.

F&G.2. Description of carbon accounting risk mitigation mechanisms such as buffer pools.



F&G.3. Number of tCO2 reduced since REDD+ intervention/implementation.

F&G.4. Variation of deforestation rates in neighboring areas before and after the REDD+ intervention.