PNG’s 2nd FRL is calculated using an historical average approach in accordance with standards, such as the GCF scorecard for the GCF RBP pilot programme, ART TREES2.0 etc.(e.g. FCPF Methodological Framework). The 2nd FRL is based on the average historical emissions for the period 2009-2018 as explained in “5.4.2. Reference period”.
Considering PNG’s HFLD (High Forest, Low Deforestation) status over the reference period, PNG proposes an upwards HFLD adjustment to its 2nd FRL. Since GCF scorecard for the RBP is uncertain as valid at the moment, PNG considers the latest ART TREES 2.0 is the most reliable guidance for HFLD adjustments, namely, the FRL should not exceed HFLD-score multiply 0.05 of carbon stock.
FRL (tCO2e) = historical average emissions 2009-2018 + (HFLD-score x 0.05% carbon stock).
The average historical emissions for 2009-2018 were 35,299,202 tCO2 eq. The average total forest carbon stock in PNG corresponding to the year between 2009 and 2018 based on TREES2.0 was 14,748,195,755 tCO2eq, therefore 0.05% of the total forest carbon stock suggests an allowable upwards adjustment of 5,219,378 tCO2eq.
As such, the calculated FRL (CO2 emissions from deforestation, forest degradation, and carbon stock enhancement in PNG in the period from 2019 to 2027) has value of 40,518,579 tCO2eq/year.
Summary of FRL2 Submission to UNFCCC
Source: Second National REDD+ Forest Reference Level (FRL2)
Chapter 10. National Forest Reference Level